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Apprehensive about the potential invasion of cockroaches into your living space? This is a common concern, especially in Massachusetts, where German Cockroaches reign as the most frequently encountered roach species. These resilient insects can infiltrate your home through small crevices, gaps in walls, and openings near electrical sockets and drain pipes. They exhibit an affinity for even minuscule deposits of sugar, grease, and pet food, often hidden away in nooks and crannies like those beneath sinks and cabinets.

Beyond mere annoyance, cockroaches also pose serious health risks. They can harbor over 30 types of bacteria, including Salmonella and E. coli, along with parasitic worms and other pathogens. Cockroaches are adept at concealment, remaining undetected during daylight hours. However, under the cover of night, they actively scavenge for sustenance, leaving behind feces and shed skin. For some individuals, exposure to these remnants can trigger allergies and asthma attacks. Proper sanitation and cleanliness are crucial steps to prevent their entry into your home. However, they can also hitch a ride via packaging and be drawn to any small food particles lodged in hard-to-reach corners.

Our team of skilled technicians will customize a targeted cockroach extermination plan designed specifically for your property. Through a comprehensive inspection and treatment process, we employ a range of effective techniques to address cockroach infestations at their source. If you suspect a cockroach infestation, don’t hesitate—reach out to us today!
Image by Erik Karits
Image by Erik Karits

German Cockroach

German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach in Massachusetts. These pests measure about half an inch long and have a light brown color with two distinct dark stripes running from their head to the base of their wings. You'll typically find German cockroaches in kitchens and bathrooms, where they seek out food and water.

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American Cockroach

American cockroaches exhibit a reddish-brown or black coloration and are commonly encountered in basements, drains, and crawl spaces. However, they may also explore upper floors and other indoor areas. These insects favor warm environments with elevated humidity levels and primarily emerge during the night.

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Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches exhibit a dark brown or black coloration and can reach lengths of up to one inch. They are commonly encountered in damp environments, such as basements and crawl spaces. Regrettably, these insects emit an strong pungent odor and have the potential to taint food with their waste.


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